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Inter-Disciplinary Exposure to the Arts

Applied Learning Programme/Life-long Learning Programme

IDEA is inwardBOUND's innovative multi-disciplinary Arts programme that cohesively melds together Self-Directed Learning and Blended Learning. 

What exactly is IDEA?

All of life is problem-solving. Students need creative problem-solving skills to overcome complex challenges– both in their daily lives and in preparation for the future.


That is why we created Inter-Disciplinary Exposure to the Arts, or IDEA that perfectly blends online self-directed and face-to-face learning through creative problem-solving using Arts as the melding tool!




Elective Modules are sessions done purely online. Students can access the platform on demand and choose different electives that they want to take, from a selection of Drama, Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Literary Arts, Digital Arts and Innovation programmes.



Our program uses Creative Problem Solving to encourage students to find fresh perspectives and come up with innovative solutions. Each module presents opportunities to build desirable experiences. This holistic process beyond the traditional scope of literacy and numeracy, allows them to assemble their newly found arts skills and knowledge to formulate a plan and take successful action.

Objectives of IDEA

Modern Dance Group


students to a variety of inter-disciplinary art forms.

Art Class


Self-Directed Learning through interest in the Arts.

Remote Learning


learning through a blended online and FtF platform.

What our innovative platform can do.

IDEA provides students with an enriching learning experience by allowing for:


  1. Easy access to content modules on-demand

  2. The social aspect of student works whereby students can showcase and share their works, comment and respond to other created works all under one platform

  3. Collection and storage of individualised e-portfolio

  4. Weekly progress updates

  5. Earning of micro-accreditations where students can download the certificate upon completion of the programme

What it looks like.


Course Library

Group Sharing

Why IDEA? Why now?

The Way of the Future


Our program uses Creative Problem Solving to encourage students to find fresh perspectives and come up with innovative solutions. Each creative module presents opportunities to build desirable experiences.



It leverages a mobile, micro-learning platform to expose students to multiple electives of their choice and curated content online for self-directed study. The students then undergo a face to face training to put the varying disciplines to use and create individual work automatically organized into workbooks for review.

Beyond Standard Curriculum


This holistic process beyond the traditional scope of literacy and numeracy, allows them to use their newly found arts skills and knowledge to formulate a plan and take successful action. Adapting, experimenting, and learning from mistakes is key to success in an unpredictable world. Our program provides that.

Progressive programmes for arts exposure.

Online Learning


Online Exposure through Modules

A place where artists share exciting lessons and recorded sessions, teaching skills in multi-disciplinary arts online.

Online Class


Creative Camp

Online "classrooms" where students can meet and discuss, learn Arts and Creative Problem Solving and English language in an engaging way.

Concert Crowd


Cross-Cultural Festival/re:ACT

A week-long camp where trainers meet the students across different countries in person to assemble the skills developed from those online courses into a creative festival of speech, dance, drama and music.

Interested in IDEA?

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